Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day Five

Little Red Car, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My daughters most favorite possession, her Little Tyke's Cozy Coupe car. She has had this since she gave up her pacifier and it was the only thing she cared about arriving safely when we moved across country.

I had a hard time getting the lighting right with this shot. I ended up aiming the speedlight at the wall to bounce off the flash since the top of the car blocks out most of the light.


Unknown said...

I think this is the same type of car we had at our family park, that many a child spent hours in!

I love your work... you even made the shower look great! And your daughter is a cutie! Glad I found you while entrecard dropping!

Ken said...

Incredible colors ... beautiful to look at, great composition arranging the elements inside your frame.