Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 105

Fizzies, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is actually denture cleaner in a glass. Why do I have such a product? Well it works for cleaning my totally hot night guard that protects my teeth from my nightly teeth-grinding habits. Yes, I've stumbled to new lows in my 365 project today.


Arty Allsorts said...

could be worse - it could be for your actual dentures! It makes a good picture, I bet if you played the heck out of it in PS it would make a great abstract too

Haley H said...

Very cool photo. Definitely not a low point.

Anonymous said...

I like that shot too

The denture cleaner explanation reminded me of once when I was visiting my very good Dad when he was in his 70s.

I offered him some popcorn and he said "No I am afraid of my teeth"

(meaning of course an unpopped kernel might break a good tooth)

I replied " Oh so that's why you keep em in another roon at night"

(he laughed)

Anonymous said...

just to say...I know bruxism can be tough. And lead to pain that sometimes feels like an earache or toothache or both. But it can spontaneously vanish too. Hope it does for you...both soon and for good