Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 246

Lake Lowell, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My very first attempt at HDR.

We took a road trip around the valley and stopped at two places today. The second stop was Lake Lowell. I had never been there and was a little disappointed because I forgot the time of year and that the trees had not bloomed yet but then I found this set of stairs and was happy again.

Today was also a big day for our daughter. She has been having trouble going outside due to a very traumatic phobia of wind so we have been taking baby steps. I wasn't even sure we would get her out of the car but the water proved to be too much of a draw for her and after one crying session and a retreat to the car we made it out. Soon she was distracted by throwing rocks and finding sticks. A great success and huge relief for everyone.

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