Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 272

At Sunset, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Note to self: Do not look directly at the sun, even through the camera. I'm still seeing spots. Could not see a damn thing trying to line up focus but luckily the first one turned out the best. Probably because my retinas were only partially damaged at that point.

On another note I would like to shamelessly self promote my new Etsy site. Some of my better works are now there for purchase as prints. More coming soon!


Hal said...

Good Luck with the new site, Cel.
Hope you sell a ton of prints!

: - )

Nancy Lovering said...

Sorry about your eyes, but... what a neat shot!! Good luck with your Etsy shop :)

Hal said...

PS the cards I ordered of your very fine sunburst photo arrived. Fine quality. Terrific!

Highly recommended to anyone wishing to send greeting cards from off da beaten path...

Celina said...

Yay! Glad they made it quickly! I am working on finding the best way to print and ship cards myself so I can add them to my Etsy site. Also working on another photo product...stay tuned!