Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 299

Green!, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Attempting to NOT shoot flowers today and mix it up a little bit.

Strobist: SB900 camera right. Shot through umbrella 1/1 power.


Nancy Lovering said...

Sooooo cool!!! (And my favourite colour, lol) I know what you mean about the flowers - they're beautiful, but sometimes I feel like that's all I shoot...

Unknown said...

This is great! Did you mist the pencils at all?

I much prefer this to flowers. Everyone shoots flowers.

(I found your link at Unqualified to Blog.)

Celina said...

Thank you! No I did not mist them actually. The lead in the pencils is somewhat textured so it looks like they have water on them.

Mr. Salad Bowl said...

This photo is so nice and I'm with you on the needing to take a break from flowers :)

Thank you for some much needed inspiration :)