Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 364

Old Guitar, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My husbands old guitar. One of the "to-do's" that was on my 365 list. Better late than never I suppose. I never even noticed the cherubs on it until I got it out to photograph it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 363

Shiny and new, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Finally got my new laptop today after a week of being "laptop-less." My old one was nearing the end of its lifespan when the cat knocked it on the floor the other day. I would think that would pretty much do any computer in.

Day 362

Little hands big noise, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I love how the light was shining off of my daughters hair when she was sitting on the floor the other day. I tried to get her to pose nice for me but I all she wanted to do was her own thing. After I backed off for a moment she started playing with her keyboard and I saw my shot.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 361

Summer Flowers, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

The flowers in my front flower pot are now almost overgrown. All different types are growing and not a single one I can actually name.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 360

As night falls, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is what my last days of my Project365 have come to. Seeing what random object I can find at the last minute to throw in front of an interesting background.

I also now have a permanent spot burned into my retinas.

But fear not! I do have a plan for my final day. It is just the days leading up to it that we all have to suffer through.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 359

Warm Glow, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My husband and I just finished up watching the first season of the HBO series, Rome on DVD. This kind of reminds me of the photography and lighting used in a lot of the indoor shots. It is actually a melt warmer (AKA wickless candle) I have in the house.

Day 358

Bokeh, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is a hanging outdoor decoration I got for my birthday. I used our textured bathroom window for the bokeh.

Day 357

Night Horizon, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is another nighttime view from my backyard. I remembered late that I had yet to take my photo for the day. My husband pointed out how orange the moon was so as I was setting up to shoot I accidentally fired off this shot. It sadly turned out more interesting than the in focus ones of the moon and lights.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 356

New Shoes, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My daughter got some new stylish Crocs today. These are the ones she insisted on getting.

Day 355

HOT, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

The temp in our backyard gets so hot against the house. It was officially over 100 degrees for the day but not actually this warm. I tried to take this with my iPhone next to it showing the actual temperature and forecast but could not get it balanced next to it so I relented and just used the thermometer.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 354

Oven fresh, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

When all else fails: shoot dinner.

Day 353

Star light, star bright.., originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Last minute attempt at a photo. I was putting away my daughters magic wand and accidentally turned it on and thus the light bulb when off in my head.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 352

Old or New?, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My dad suggested this as a black and white. I think the sepia brings out a little more detail in it though. Thanks Dad for letting me borrow your phone!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 351

Straws, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Today was Scotty Kelby's 2nd annual Worldwide Photowalk. I was so glad I participated last year and was able to go again this year. This shot was taken inside Goody's Ice Cream Shop in Boise, ID. The air conditioning felt so good in there. They have wonderful ice cream and even make their soda the old fashioned way.

I chose this as my daily photo because it is one of my favorites for the day. I wasn't happy with how many of my shots came out. Might have something to do with the fact that I discovered halfway through I forgot to reset my ISO from the day before.

Day 350

Basking in the sun, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I liked the light highlighting Rosey's hair when she was sitting in the living room. You can't really tell with the processing but she keeps getting into something and her nose is black all around the edges.

Day 349

Oh Nooooooooo!!!!, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Not how I envisioned this turning out but I ended up going with it. I found him in the store this week and just had to buy him. Maybe I will set up a better shot for him soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 348

Berry Good, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is all that is left from the raspberries our neighbor brought us from her garden. I could easily eat fresh berries every day.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 347

Twitter Warp, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

As soon as I get back from my trip the lackluster motivation for my project 365 is sinking back in. So sitting at my desk tonight looking at Twitter, you get this.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 346

Halfway, Oregon, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is the Valley where I spent my teenage years. A small town in Oregon called Halfway. Population approximately 500. I never really fit in and still don't when I go back. It is a whole world so different from city life. The land is beautiful though.

Day 345

originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

We went down to Hell's Canyon to let my daughter experience fishing for the first time. Sadly she didn't catch anything but I think she had a lot of fun. We had to pack up after a wind storm came through and cut the day short. Next time I am sure she will have all sorts of fish stories.

There were all sorts of butterflies hanging around the boat dock. They all seem to like wet ground. I didn't have the right lens on when I spotted this one so I edged as close as I could and fired off several shots. I love how much detail and beauty you can see in it's wings.

Day 344

Not that I haven't tried this before but have never had the patience or the luck to get a shot this close of a hummingbird. They were all over at my moms in Oregon so I got several decent shots.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 343

Summer night, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Quick iPhone shot for yesterday. I am getting so behind in uploading pictures. Yesterday was my birthday and I was so tired by the evening I didn't feel like putting in the effort for a decent shot. I had a great dinner with my family at Bonefish complete with my favorite martinis there. Hubby got my the battery grip for my camera which I plan on taking with me this weekend to try out. We are off to Oregon until Monday.

Day 342

I R Tired, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Kitten update: Rosey has settled in as part of our family. Her and Tika can even be seen sleeping together at times. They still play and chase each other and when Rosey gets too ambitions, Tika will put her in her place.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 341

Summer Fun, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

We got to see one of our friends from Virginia today along with her cute baby boy. It was nice to get to take pictures of someone else's child for once as mine is tired of seeing the camera.

Day 340

Zen Rock Garden, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This is my daughters creation. She found some tiny rocks outside and collected them to line up on the outside table.

Yes, I am behind on uploading photos again as well as behind visiting everyone's blogs and Flickr streams. I will get through the rest of the project365!

Day 339

Just another flower shot, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Not sure what type of flower this is but it is growing in the planter we have full of all different types.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 338

Summer, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Lazy Sunday here today. Gearing up for a busy week ahead.

Day 337 - Happy 4th!

Happy 4th!, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Hope all my American friends had a great holiday. We settled at home for a BBQ and had the in-laws over for fireworks. Our neighbors greatly outdid ours with their illegal ones but we enjoyed watching them all go off.

Day 336

Kabobs, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I am not a very good cook and this was my first time attempting grilling kabobs. usual I tried to do too many things at once and forgot about them on the grill. They turned out ok. This is kind of a blurry shot but in my sudden bout of laziness this was the only shot I took that day.

Day 335

The look of innocence, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Rosey is settling in to our house so well. Tika and her are getting along so much better than I predicted. I could not resist another cute photo of her.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 334

Gotcha, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

There is no excuse for the quality of my 365 photos lately. It is plain and simple laziness. I am so ready to get to day 365 and be done. Picking of the camera every day is getting to be a chore and I think in order to rediscover my creativity I'm going to need a break. It is almost as if I'm going in reverse quality-wise.

Day 333

First Impressions, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Don't ask me why I thought it was safe enough to get on the floor with the camera within reach of claws. Tika is actually doing better than I expected with Rosey's arrival. There has been a few hisses but mostly a lot of air batting. Today they almost seem to be playing together at times running and jumping. I think it will all work out very well. If nothing else, Tika is getting some much needed exercise.