Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 183

Halfway!, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Officially halfway done with my project now.

Day 182

Mr Silly Head, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Playing in the playroom and trying to find something interesting to shoot. Like my creation?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 181

Fresh baked, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Not a lot of effort put into my shots today I will admit.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 180

Ice, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I have not yet gotten tired of the way ice looks on the chain drains. I am glad I went out to shoot when I did as it was all melted and gone by late afternoon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 179

Dancers by the fire, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Another favorite from my IKEA's finds. I am noticing that instead of finding something to just shoot I am paying more attention to the feeling I want to convey and technique. Today was cozy and warm as it is freezing outside and the fireplace has been going most of the day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 178

Colors, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

These are markers in a white bucket. Not really in love with this. I wanted the white to almost be blown out which I achieved. Still just not sure about it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 177

177snowyhillside, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

A little road trip took us to Freezeout Hill just outside of Emmett, ID today. I thought this shot of the side hill looked better than the one I took of the mountain range. I was just so happy to have the sun out for the first time in weeks. I hate all the gloom that winter brings.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 176

Black and White, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

One of my favorite stores in Virginia was IKEA. I could not get enough of that place. I got these decorative balls there. I am not sure the proper name or purpose for them.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 175

Love, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

A lack of ideas today took me to my craft room to play around. This is a paper heart I quickly made from thin strip of paper. The background is mulberry paper. Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 174

The Tatt, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Most people don't know that I have a tattoo hidden on my right shoulder. I got it just after turning 18. I regret not thinking it through a little better. I like have a tattoo I just wish I would have thought about the meaning instead of just picking something out of a book to copy. My next one will be more meaningful and probably designed by me to be more special.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 173

Fluff on Fluff, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I found this fabric in the craft store the other day and thought it would make a great background. All I found today to photograph was a pink feather boa. Not my best work. I realized after I was done I forgot to reset the ISO duh!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 172

Inauguration, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Today is just a normal photo but a good representation of the day. History in the making no doubt. We used to live just a short metro ride away from The District. Part of me wishes I could have been there today despite the cold and the crowd.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 171

Dream, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I am still trying to get sharp water drop photos but I think I am getting closer. I set up a decorative gift bag (which is now soaked) behind the facet and let the water drip in a clear glass dish over the sink. This was the best out of the 100 or so shots taken. I also used my new SB900 as a master and had my SB600 off to the side at a right angle. I used manual focus on a spoon laid across the dish where I thought the drops would hit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 170

Scrapbooking 101, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I got another scrapbook layout done today. Slowly but surely I am getting caught up. Next I will be onto Fall of 2008 so it won't be long. Scrapbooking is something I am very passionate about and have been doing it long enough to know a thing or to. I used to teach rubber stamping and scrapbooking before I decided sales just weren't for me. Some of the best tips I can give a new scrapbooker are:

Layer - nothing will pop a picture out of a page more than a piece of cardstock layered behind it cut to an 1/8" larger.

Coordination - pay attention to the colors that our in your photos and coordinate them. Use a color wheel if you aren't sure.

Layout - don't space everything evenly all the time. Offsetting the photos so they don't cut the page in half will help it look more pleasing to the eye.

Journal or Not - some photos tell the story themselves others do not. If you want a special story to be remembered, write it down.

Preserve - if you have old photos sitting around in an ancient photo album or shoebox PLEASE put them into something acid free and photo safe if you care about preserving them at all. All scrapbooking products today are made to withstand time and not eat away at photographs like the old photo albums did. You know the kind with the static cling pages: BAD!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 169

Dinner and Drinks, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Dinner, drinks, dessert. Then home in time to play World of Warcraft. My kind of night.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 168

I really need to come up with some better ideas than the items hanging on my walls in the future days.

Day 167

Revisiting the wall, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

The one and only shot I took yesterday. It was a yuck day. Same decoration that was featured in my Day 2 of the project.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 166

Condensation, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

The fog is condensing on everything. It makes the trees so pretty. This is one my bushes in the front, soaking it all up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 165

Fog, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Today the fog set in and did not leave. The moisture in the air started to collect on all the trees and bushes.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 164

A Quote, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Not really how I wanted this to turn out but I ran out of time today. I was tagged on Flickr to list some random facts about myself so here goes:
1. I didn't know how to use my camera out of the auto setting until I started my Project 365.
2. I am very afraid of spiders I don't even like to look at photos of them.
3. I am an only child but I do have 2 step siblings.
4. I have really thick hair, so much so I get it thinned every chance I get.
5. I am a hard-core World of Warcraft player.
6. I suck at female friendships and have a hard time making new ones.
7. When I was a child I had a very irrational fear of the mountains and bears.
8. I love fruity martinis.
9. I can't stand wine or coffee but secretly wished I liked it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 163

For the Flickr group, FGR's, daily challenge "The 80's" I used a hell of a lot of hairspray and just could not get the poof. They just don't make that stuff like they used to.
"The phone rings in the middle of the night,
My father yells "What you gonna do with your life?"
You know you're still number one,
But girls,
They wanna have fu-un,
Oh,girls,just wanna have
That's all they really want.....
Some fun...."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 162

Mountain Sunset, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

This was my backup shot for today as I was hoping to get the full moon tonight but it was hidden in clouds. These are the Owyhee Mountains out my backyard.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 161

Sunshine Window Bokeh, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Not really an good representation of my mood today. I spent hours trying to get a shot right and ended up scrapping the entire thing. So the next thing I laid eyes on I snapped just to have a picture for today.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 160

Kitty time, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

A lack of time and motivation today led me back to the familiar things around the house. So time for another Tika shot. I so wanted to take a picture of my husband with a pack of frozen peas but I didn't know how that would quite go over. He got "fixed" today and is currently laid up on the couch. Tika keeps trying to jump in his lap so me taking a picture momentarily distracted her by the flash off the wall. When she doesn't get her way she gets rather grouchy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 159

Chocolate, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

No wonder I gained weight over the holidays. Having all this stuff around the house is too hard to resist.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 158

Slush, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

It snowed hard again this morning then rapidly warmed up and started raining. Which turned everything into a mess.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 157

Out my front door, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My little welcome frog is all covered in the drifts of snow that filled the valley today.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 156

A simple heart, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Can't stop reading the Twilight saga...stayed up until 4:00am this morning. No time for a well planned out shot

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 155

Drip...drip, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

Playing with the macro telephoto. My first time trying water droplets so be nice! I put a layer of tinfoil behind and shut off the lights using only the speedlight and my cellphone to reflect off the background.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 154

Hanging Ribbon, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

I spent a good part of the day putting things away from Christmas and organizing my craft room. I got this super cool ribbon organizer that holds spools on top and scraps clipped to the bottom. Of course only got halfway through my ribbon pile before I ran out of clips. Yes, I organize my paper by color to. Just a tad bit of a perfectionist sometimes.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 153 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

My very poor attempt at this with the Lite-Bright. No resolutions from me, I don't do that as they are too easy to break and usually unrealistic. Instead I just intend to take better care of myself. Simple as that. So cheers to a better me in 2009, both mentally and physically.

Day 152

Perfecting the Martini, originally uploaded by Shutterbug Cel.

We spent a quiet New Years Eve at home with some snacks and drinks. I tried to figure out a good balance of ingredients for the perfect raspberry martini.
So far I came up with
1oz Raspberry Vodka
3/4oz Raspberry Schnapps
1oz Sprite